Recherche 20-05-2024

dfdfdfd :Journée d'étude nationale hybride

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

University Abou Bekr Belkaid – Tlemcen

Faculty of Letters and Languages

LLC Research Laboratory

Teams 3 5 of the LLC Research Laboratory organise

The Second National Hybrid Study Day on

Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in the Algerian Context: Challenges and Strategies


Sunday, June 30th, 2024

At the 30 Laboratories Building

Chaired by: Dr Kamila Ghouali


Download the programme here: Study Day Programme 30-06-2024



In the current globalised era, societies are confronted with significant
challenges across cultures and languages worldwide. The advancement of
teaching and research on these issues stimulates further elaboration,
innovation, strategies, and collaboration on a global scale, in general, and in
the Algerian context, in particular. The traditional view of learning, as the
acquisition of knowledge and skills, has been superseded by a more nuanced
understanding of the process of learning, which encompasses identifying the
most effective means of acquiring and utilising knowledge and skills. In this
view, students learn from a variety of sources, including the classroom,
society, and traditions. The teacher, thus, plays a crucial role as a mediator
between language and culture, a key feature of today’s education. There is a
vast body of socio-linguistic and discourse studies that have been constructed
through communication and interaction in a variety of contexts.
Intercultural communication, therefore, requires knowledge, openness, and –
most importantly – effective communicative performance.

Aim and Scope:
This study day is one of the various scientific events hosted by the LLC
Laboratory. Being interdisciplinary, it provides an appropriate setting for
the exchange of experiences and the presentation of different visions for
the teaching and research of language, literature and culture. As such, this
scientific event welcomes contributions on the most recent innovations and
trends, as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions proposed
in relation to, but not limited to, the following themes:
Literary Discourse
Cultural Studies
Language and Culture
Language, Media, and Digital Platforms
Cultural Revival and Heritage Preservation
Language and Society
Intercultural Dialogue and Social Cohesion
Language and Migration
Language Policy and Education Reform
Critical Discourse Analysis
Language Teaching and Assessment
Innovations in Language Teaching
Teacher Development
Language Curriculum and Material Development


Scientific Committee

Dr Kamila Ghouali - Prof. Faiza Haddam Bouabdallah - Prof. Wassila Hamza Reguig Mouro - Prof. Ilhem Mortad Serir Prof. Daoudi Frid - Prof. Hafida Hamzaoui - Prof. Radia Benyelles - Prof. Chamseddine Lamri - Prof. Nassim Negadi - Dr Omar Rahmoun - Dr Souad Berbar - Dr Meryem Mengouchi - Dr Amel Rahmouni - Dr Zakarya Ameur-Said -Dr Merwan Messaoudi - Dr Sara Bensahla Tani - Dr Wafa Zekri –

Organising Committee:

D r K a m i l a G h o u a l i - P r o f . F a i z a H a d d a m B o u a b d a l l a h - P r o f . W a s s i l a H a m z a R e g u i g M o u r o -  P r o f . D a o u d i F r i d - P r o f . W a s s i l a B o u k l i k h a G r a i a  -  D r O m a r R a h m o u n - D r S o u a d B e r b a r -  D r H a d i a H a k e m -  D r H i d a y a t H e m c h e - D r A s s i y a B e n e t t a y e b -  D r K h e d i d j a H a m m o u d i - D r M e r y e m M e n g o u c h i - D r  A . A n e s B o u b r i s - D r S o r a y a H a l f a o u i -  D r A m e l R a h m o u n i - D r Z a k a r y a A m e u r - S a i d -   D r M e r w a n M e s s a o u d i - D r S a r a B e n s a h l a T a n i -  D r W a f a Z e k r i - D r I m a n e D i b -  M s N a d j i a Y a h i a o u i -  M s L i n a S e r i r - M s K h a d i d j a R a h o u i -